Finally after days of head scratching and dreaming in database connections, I managed to set up a very very basic web app using Node.js with Express, Mongodb and a bunch of other cool things, all uploaded and connected on Heroku
MaDMA proposal: Virtual Cultures & Network Practices
13th March 2014 Rootbeans is drawing game and social media platform which uses ‘playful little data’ beans to explore how choice, chance & circumstance operate in collaborations between people. Big data is a big topic at the moment. The collection
Whats important? Rootbeans 1st March 2014

Thanks to everyone who participated in Rootbeans: What’s important? game at University of Brighton as part of Brighton Science Festival. The amount of interest and willing participation (no bribery needed stragely!) was amazing. Our initial players were the event organisers
Rootbeans: What’s important to you right now?

On Saturday 1st March I’ll be prototyping an open Rootbeans game at University of Brighton Grand Parade as part of Brighton Science Festival from 10am. With artist Tanya Meditzky of Milkkitten we’re asking people ‘What’s important to you right now?’
Cultures of Multimedia Authoring & Web Design – Reflective Statement

Since November I’ve used the Rootbeans game as a mental model through which to explore how artists are using technology to examine the part it plays in issues that affect everyone. It’s led me to questions around power and programming.
Flow and control

In her essay Always-on/Always-on-you: The Tethered Self, Sherry Turkle discusses how due to our always online culture, we are loosing our ability to be connected with the people who are physically near us. She talks about the loss of learning
Rogue algobots

In his Ted talk How algorithms shape our world, Kevin Slavin describes algorithms as insect or bird like creatures that act as autonomous agents. Agents that once released into a data universe will not be as frequently observed by humans
Panopticon v2 – Jan 2014

Play Panopticon and become the watcher! build your data empire, the tallest tower from which to view the entire internet and control how content and personal data moves. You may have good intentions, or bad ones. Behind the virtual air we breathe are the people who control us – the battle for data and people’s very identities is being fought. What will YOU choose to do?
Rootbeans – presentation at Digihub art & chat

Presented at Digihub Art & Chat – 12th December