July 4th – 12th – Three Sisters fibre optic installation exhibited for the first time as the culmination of the MA Digital Media Arts degree show at University of Brighton. Three Sisters is an installation using fibre optics and plastic
Glass half full – reflective statement

On Wednesday 4th Feb 2015 I set up the installation ‘Glass half full’ at Lighthouse. This was my end of module presentation. 5 ‘couples’ got to participate. Despite a temperamental leap motion sensor, I felt happy with the outcome. Every
Still Life with Emotional Contagion – Aaron Straup Cope

Notes from talk by Aaron Straup Cope – dConstruct 5th Sept 2014 http://2014.dconstruct.org/conference/aaronstraupcope/ Hero objects for WTF moments. Brick from Osama bin laden compound out into the museum in 911 tower basement – memorial What does an 8 year old
Playable city – memes for cities

Clare Reddington at dConstruct 2014 – Brighton Dome Listen back link: http://2014.dconstruct.org/conference/clarereddington/ Patrick Geddes Bristol Watershed Arts – Pervasive Media Studio Gordon Cullen Play theory Miguel Sicart – Why We Play Physical play creates longer and stronger social bonds Utrecht
Unmonastery – Nadia El Imam and Edge Ryders

Notes: Improving Reality – Sept 4th Brighton Dome Nadia El Imam is CEO of Edge Ryders A community of over 2000 people around the world organised online using open source technologies looking at systemic crisis. Unmonastery Monastery life was a
Foucault Panopticon – Nathan Jurgensen

Notes: Improving Reality – Sept 4th Brighton Dome Foucault Panopticon chapter from book ‘Discipline and Punish‘ Visibility is a trap Prison not dungeon No hiding or invisibility in dark squalor Panopticon prisoners fully visible to guards The form of social
Learning Javascript – TileSwap game

Learning Javascript with Codecademy taught me many of the basics and filled me with ideas of games I could develop. This simple tile swapping game is the first. Thanks to Alan Jackson, Marko Samastur & Premasagar Rose for your suggestions
Conchita in the clouds

Unpacking the myths and memes of spring 2014 ~ Myths are powerful abstraction devices allowing easy transmission of culture. Digital media lies on a base of code which is often invisible but also mythical. In his book ‘Myth Today’, Roland Barthes describes how myths are constructed. In April a bug was discovered in Open SSL security which became the first ‘Bug 2.0’ bug and the most significant. It became mythical. In May, glamorous bearded lady drag act, Conchita Wurst won Eurovision amid Russian outrage. She carried a message of tolerance and acceptance by highlighting issues of sexual discrimination using a neatly trimmed beard to go along with her sequinned dress.
Rootbeans Beanbank – an adventure in node.js and Mongodb on Heroku

Finally after days of head scratching and dreaming in database connections, I managed to set up a very very basic web app using Node.js with Express, Mongodb and a bunch of other cool things, all uploaded and connected on Heroku
MaDMA proposal: Virtual Cultures & Network Practices
13th March 2014 Rootbeans is drawing game and social media platform which uses ‘playful little data’ beans to explore how choice, chance & circumstance operate in collaborations between people. Big data is a big topic at the moment. The collection