Notes from talk by Aaron Straup Cope – dConstruct 5th Sept 2014 Hero objects for WTF moments. Brick from Osama bin laden compound out into the museum in 911 tower basement – memorial What does an 8 year old
Playable city – memes for cities

Clare Reddington at dConstruct 2014 – Brighton Dome Listen back link: Patrick Geddes Bristol Watershed Arts – Pervasive Media Studio Gordon Cullen Play theory Miguel Sicart – Why We Play Physical play creates longer and stronger social bonds Utrecht
Unmonastery – Nadia El Imam and Edge Ryders

Notes: Improving Reality – Sept 4th Brighton Dome Nadia El Imam is CEO of Edge Ryders A community of over 2000 people around the world organised online using open source technologies looking at systemic crisis. Unmonastery Monastery life was a
Foucault Panopticon – Nathan Jurgensen

Notes: Improving Reality – Sept 4th Brighton Dome Foucault Panopticon chapter from book ‘Discipline and Punish‘ Visibility is a trap Prison not dungeon No hiding or invisibility in dark squalor Panopticon prisoners fully visible to guards The form of social