July 4th – 12th – Three Sisters fibre optic installation exhibited for the first time as the culmination of the MA Digital Media Arts degree show at University of Brighton. Three Sisters is an installation using fibre optics and plastic
Cursory Glances – Beyond The Screen

cursory – hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; “a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house’s structural flaws”; “a passing glance”; “perfunctory courtesy” Ma Digital Media Arts | Beyond The Screen 2014 – Statement of Intent
Conchita in the clouds

Unpacking the myths and memes of spring 2014 ~ Myths are powerful abstraction devices allowing easy transmission of culture. Digital media lies on a base of code which is often invisible but also mythical. In his book ‘Myth Today’, Roland Barthes describes how myths are constructed. In April a bug was discovered in Open SSL security which became the first ‘Bug 2.0’ bug and the most significant. It became mythical. In May, glamorous bearded lady drag act, Conchita Wurst won Eurovision amid Russian outrage. She carried a message of tolerance and acceptance by highlighting issues of sexual discrimination using a neatly trimmed beard to go along with her sequinned dress.
Rootbeans Beanbank – an adventure in node.js and Mongodb on Heroku

Finally after days of head scratching and dreaming in database connections, I managed to set up a very very basic web app using Node.js with Express, Mongodb and a bunch of other cool things, all uploaded and connected on Heroku
MaDMA proposal: Virtual Cultures & Network Practices
13th March 2014 Rootbeans is drawing game and social media platform which uses ‘playful little data’ beans to explore how choice, chance & circumstance operate in collaborations between people. Big data is a big topic at the moment. The collection
Cultures of Multimedia Authoring & Web Design – Reflective Statement

Since November I’ve used the Rootbeans game as a mental model through which to explore how artists are using technology to examine the part it plays in issues that affect everyone. It’s led me to questions around power and programming.
Flow and control

In her essay Always-on/Always-on-you: The Tethered Self, Sherry Turkle discusses how due to our always online culture, we are loosing our ability to be connected with the people who are physically near us. She talks about the loss of learning
Rootbeans autoplay using processing

This feels like quite an ambitious idea – but i’ve worked out how to make the bean game play using processing. The idea is that the line direction is set and then various object detection and collision force the line
Reaching out – showing and playing Rootbeans

Here are some events that i will be hoping to talk about or play Rootbeans. Come along if you would like to participate. Art Schism – 29th November Art Schism is an artists co-operative Gallery in the north lanes area of
To be an artist in the context of games
What does it mean to be an artist in the context of games? excerpt from Making games art: the designer’s manifesto by David Fox, John Sharp “To determine how a game designer is an artist, we must first identify where