cursory – hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; “a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house’s structural flaws”; “a passing glance”; “perfunctory courtesy” Ma Digital Media Arts | Beyond The Screen 2014 – Statement of Intent
Playable city – memes for cities

Clare Reddington at dConstruct 2014 – Brighton Dome Listen back link: Patrick Geddes Bristol Watershed Arts – Pervasive Media Studio Gordon Cullen Play theory Miguel Sicart – Why We Play Physical play creates longer and stronger social bonds Utrecht
Conchita in the clouds

Unpacking the myths and memes of spring 2014 ~ Myths are powerful abstraction devices allowing easy transmission of culture. Digital media lies on a base of code which is often invisible but also mythical. In his book ‘Myth Today’, Roland Barthes describes how myths are constructed. In April a bug was discovered in Open SSL security which became the first ‘Bug 2.0’ bug and the most significant. It became mythical. In May, glamorous bearded lady drag act, Conchita Wurst won Eurovision amid Russian outrage. She carried a message of tolerance and acceptance by highlighting issues of sexual discrimination using a neatly trimmed beard to go along with her sequinned dress.
Flow and control

In her essay Always-on/Always-on-you: The Tethered Self, Sherry Turkle discusses how due to our always online culture, we are loosing our ability to be connected with the people who are physically near us. She talks about the loss of learning
Rogue algobots

In his Ted talk How algorithms shape our world, Kevin Slavin describes algorithms as insect or bird like creatures that act as autonomous agents. Agents that once released into a data universe will not be as frequently observed by humans
Reaching out – showing and playing Rootbeans

Here are some events that i will be hoping to talk about or play Rootbeans. Come along if you would like to participate. Art Schism – 29th November Art Schism is an artists co-operative Gallery in the north lanes area of
Games that encourage co-operation

The most popular board games are based on competition. Monopoly epitomizes the winner take all nature of the genre. But what happens when that model gets turned on its head in favor of a more collaborative approach which pits the
To be an artist in the context of games
What does it mean to be an artist in the context of games? excerpt from Making games art: the designer’s manifesto by David Fox, John Sharp “To determine how a game designer is an artist, we must first identify where
Dolls and Angels – Rilke on the problem of language

In his 4th Duino Elegy, Rilke gives a metaphoric statement of the problem of language and recommends a procedure for approaching as far toward the horizon of silence as he considers feasible. A prerequisite of “emptying out” is to be
An economy of human energy- Herbert spencer
Herbert Spencer argued that human development depended on a fixed amount of energy, and since women used their energy in reproductive function, they had little or no energy left for intellectual or political pursuits (ibid. 122). Further, Darwinian psychology accepted this