I’ll be presenting Rootbeans ‘What’s important to you?’ at Now Play This games exhibition at Somerset House on Saturday 5th September from 10am – 2pm. Over the 4 hours, the audience will contribute lines to make up a large-scale game map.
Foucault Panopticon – Nathan Jurgensen

Notes: Improving Reality – Sept 4th Brighton Dome Foucault Panopticon chapter from book ‘Discipline and Punish‘ Visibility is a trap Prison not dungeon No hiding or invisibility in dark squalor Panopticon prisoners fully visible to guards The form of social
Panopticon v2 – Jan 2014

Play Panopticon and become the watcher! build your data empire, the tallest tower from which to view the entire internet and control how content and personal data moves. You may have good intentions, or bad ones. Behind the virtual air we breathe are the people who control us – the battle for data and people’s very identities is being fought. What will YOU choose to do?